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Personal Trainer Services now available on sliding scale! (Free 1st Session)

We offer a sliding scale, First session is always free, Zoom or in-person available. Weekly, daily, and bi-weekly visits. Please set up a time to speak with us on our calendar at the booking page.

we can help you set goals, establish a healthier lifestyle, and connect with your higher-self on a more divine level using our natural proven methods for restoration of the body, mind and soul. Reiki as well as physical exercise in repetition is our valued success methodology for helping restore vital life energy.

Erectile dysfunction may also be treated with our services with great results! Increase that stamina and drive for your connection with others. We don't just suggest things, we do them with you and help you throughout the week if you are struggling. Mentorship and self-esteem building with active listening is how we are able to guarantee these results. IF all aspects of our program are followed one can NOT have success.

Please schedule your free session with Yeshua today. We can set up a treatment program with realistic goals that will revitalize your wellness and creativity as well as your soul power. There is nothing more effective than exercise and mindfulness. We wish to send the client home with tools they may use for the rest of their lives. There is no one that says YOU CAN NOT DO IT BUT YOU! Happiness is a choice and it's never too late to become more active. No one is here to push or create pain unless you authorize us to do so. We wish for our clients to grow mentally and physically with our diet and physical exercise suggestions. We do not push, we do not allow you to feel discouraged as we are motivated that you are willing to try. Psychology of change beings with a will to change. We will help blossom that lotus and water it with positivity via reward.

Setup an appointment on our bookings page calendar or send us an email to

Our Health Matters inc.

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